Buadline is an interesting DSP tool for signal inspection and analysis. Unfortunately, the OSX image is a little old (looks like the current release; 1.08; is from 2010), but works just fine. Well, sort of. It turns out, the baudline application is not linked to X11 libs where I have them installed. I use macports, […]
I’ve been getting more and more interested in GNU Radio after learning about SDR (Software Defined Radio). Since it is easy and cheap to get an SDR receiver ($20), the investment cost is low and the value high for investigating interesting radio signals. I started by using gqrx, which allows one to do the most […]

Background The Georgia Tech Ramblin’ Rocketeers are participating in ESRA‘s IREC competition this year. The payload for the Rocketeer’s competition flight is a collection of video camera recording their free descent, falling such that their path(s) to the ground are helical and the view is generally downward pointing. Effectively this is a data set collection […]

Howdy hackers, If you play around with Android, here’s a quick tip I found today: Parcelable vs Serializable april 18, 2013 When starting on Android, we all learn that we cannot just pass object references to activities and fragments, we have to put those in an Intent / Bundle. Looking at the api, we realize […]