As an update from our previous post, kegerator in a day, we have added a temperature controller to keep the beer from freezing. All we need the temperature controller to do is keep the kegs at a nice, even serving temperature. We want it to be cheap, sense the kegerator’s internal temperature reliably, and switch the power going to the chest freezer.
Another kegerator builder over at onemansbeer made a nifty temperature controller using and STC-1000 aquarium thermostat. The price was good and the thermostat comes with a thermocouple, so with all the hard bits accounted for, we ordered the thermostat.
The diagram on the side was relatively straight forward, so we jumped in and started putting it together.
Just tossing the thermocouple into the kegerator seemed like a crude way to measure the temperature, possibly prone to short duty cycles that could damage the chest freezer’s compressor. The STC-1000 is designed for use with an aquatic environment, so we were sure it would be sealed such that dipping it in water would be safe.
End Result: no more frozen beer!
I like the build guys, another quick way to use that thermostat. Thanks for the plug to the build on my website!