Taylor Peet

Feb 212013

I ran across this helpful guide for replacing a drive in a RAID setup. An important thing I saw in it was the one step clone partition set-up, which can be really handy if it does what I think it does. Will definitely try it next time I’m adding a hard drive to an array.

source: http://www.howtoforge.com/replacing_hard_disks_in_a_raid1_array
Feb 132013

Another day, another post! We’ve been hard at work doing school, random extra-curricular activities (there’s been an event!), job seeking (yes even us), and much much more. But, without further ado, I present my latest addition to the Kegerator: Custom Tap Handles!

The use case for these is for when we don’t have an official tap handle, and the little black thing is not enough. Have some pictures!

Dragons Milk

Kentucky Bourbon Barrel Ale

Shock Top


Tap Handle Comparison


Feb 062013

This is just a postlet for a) remembering how to do it and b) your information

If something changes about your network, and you run into an offending host key problem because you have enabled strict checking in your SSH’ing, you can use the following sed command to remove that key. Just replace the ‘6’ with the line number given to you and away you go!

# sed -i '6d' ~/.ssh/known_hosts

Happy Hacking!

Jan 232013

TALC – The Alphabet Lyric Checker

I did this quick program about a year ago, but I felt the need to share it, and I might improve it (read: make it embeddable) in the coming weeks. I also made a repository on GitHub ( https://github.com/RePeet13/talc ) that will have the source file and a jar that wraps it all up for desktop usage.

Idea: This game is built on the alphabet game you may have played on roadtrips: where each person competitively or collaboratively tries to spot every letter of the alphabet (in order) in words on signs or license plates. The twist of this program is that instead of signs, the words must be in the lyrics of the song that is playing, and each new song is a new game. This program allows for lyrics to be checked as to whether it even contains all the letters, in order, and in separate words.

Note: It’s built in java, so you need that installed on your computer to run this (most people already have this…)


tl;dr: https://github.com/RePeet13/talc project on github for alphabet game 🙂