Taylor Peet

Nov 292012

UnRulyRecursion evangelists Taylor and Sterling will be participating in the GIT MAD Fall 2012 App-a-Thon in collaboration with Larry. This will be an exciting rush of mobile application development (stretching from Friday, Nov. 30 at 6pm to Saturday, Dec. 1 at 12pm) that will be judged at the end. We are raring to go, with a great idea for an app, willing and capable coders, and prizes looming.

If you are interested in following or seeing our progress, the repo and possibly TRAC will be added below.

Stay tuned to hear how it goes and see the app we build! The event’s webpage is here ( link ).

Nov 132012

Hey guys, I just recently used the knurling tool on the lathe at the Invention Studio, and I wanted to put what I learned here so that it could be found again. The theory is that you want the displacing teeth to line up when they go around, so you should calculate the diameter and face it so that is very close. Use this site as a guide: http://www.proshoppublishing.com/articles_knurling.html I found it to be very helpful. It turns out that to get a pretty good knurl, face your diameter to .010″ wider than a multiple of .019″, and hand test it. If it looks good, use a low speed rotation, and a high (I suppose) speed feed rate to get a consistent knurl all the way up the part. I used a rotation speed of 115. This Youtube video suggests 150 rpm, and a feed rate of .014″/rev. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTmv_kYimrI

Happy knurling!


May 092012

This is to be the road map of what will/can/has been done to Taylor’s Android Devices, specifically the Motorola Atrix2. Perhaps he’d get a tablet-y device cuz that might be cool too.

-Think about getting android tablet and rooting, especially if apps can be windowed (after being rooted?) and run concurrently.


Mar 272012

The main idea is to mount a camera and possibly a shotgun mic to a quadcopter in order to catch epic film.


This concept was featured on Gizmodo here  and another place here was just so cool. We are especially impressed by its mobility, and have already thought of dozens of shots that would be really cool to take with this.

Here is more footage of the inspiration (named CineStar) operating.

Web Research Archive

  • Seemingly Legit Build Archive link
  • Instructables Links:
    • Good Basics for Quadcopter link
    • Extension of above: Picopter link
    • Great info on small Quadcopters link


  • Load: Camera/Mic + 2x (Safety Factor) = about 10-15lbs
  • Camera Aiming System: Similarly mounted webcam streaming to nearby computer
  • Guidance System: Quadcopter controlled by either radio or computer/app over wifi (or similar technology)

-Interested in wifi in order to stream webcam video too